











博士,教授,硕士生导师。主要从事原子核理论研究。江苏省2014双创博士,太阳集团欢迎您2017年,2018-2019年度至善青年学者 201811月至20208月美国华盛顿大学物理系访问学者。Chinese Physics C审稿人。以第一作者在 Physical Review C 等杂志发表论文二十余篇,第九届无锡市优秀科技论文二等奖。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,青年项目。


Doctor, professor, master's supervisor. I mainly do research on nuclear theory. Jiangsu Province "Dr. of Shuangchuang" in 2014, "Honor Young Scholar" of Jiangnan University in 2017, 2018-2019. As the first author, I have published more than 20 papers in Physical Review C and other journals. Among them, the article on the properties of the 162Dy thermal nucleus won the second prize of the 9th Wuxi Excellent Scientific Paper. Served as a reviewer for Chinese Physics C. From November 2018 to August 2020, I was a visiting scholar in the Department of Physics, University of Washington, USA. Preside over or complete the general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, youth projects, and participate in the key independent scientific research projects of Jiangnan University.




20226 至今 太阳集团0638 教授

201811 ---- 20208 美国华盛顿大学物理系  访问学者

20158 ---- 20225 太阳集团0638 副教授

20133 ---- 20158 太阳集团0638 讲师

20111 ---- 201212  北京大学物太阳集团0638 博士后

200710 ---- 201010 东京大学物理系 博士

20068 ---- 20079 (别问)

20039 ---- 20067 北京大学物太阳集团0638 硕士

20027 ---- 20038 (别问)

19989 ---- 20027 南京大学物理系 本科


2022/06 – now Professor School of Science, Jiangnan University

2018/11 – 2020/08 Visiting Scholar Department of Physics, University of Washington

2015/08 – 2022/05 Associate Professor School of Science, Jiangnan University

2013/03 – 2015/08 Lecturer School of Science, Jiangnan University

2011/01 – 2012/12 Postdoctor School of Physics, Peking University

2007/10 – 2010/10 Ph.D. Department of Physics, University of Tokyo

2003/09 – 2006/07 Master Physics School, Peking University

1998/10 – 2002/07 Bachelor Physics Department, Nanjing University






2. 热原子核性质及对关联相变。

3. 原子核的超流性对原子核集体运动,主要是反磁转动的影响。

4. 机器学习与人工智能在原子核物理,主要是在第一性原理计算中的应用。(这个有打算,还没开始做,需要学生。)

5. 并行计算的算法优化和开发。(同上)


Nuclear physics is a discipline that involves the evolution of the universe, the formation of elements, and the basic structure of matter. I am mainly engaged in the theoretical research of nuclear physics, and my research interests and fields mainly include:

1First-principles study of nuclear physics. My collaborators and I are committed to

developing accurate ab-initio Monte Carlo shell models of nuclei and applying them to the study of nuclear structure and related intersections.

2. Thermal properties and phase transition of pairing correlations in nuclei.

3. The effect of superfluidity of atomic nuclei on collective motion of atomic nuclei, such as antimagnetic rotation.

4. The application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in nuclear physics, mainly in first-principles calculations. (There are plans for this, but I haven't started doing it yet. Students are needed.)

5. Algorithm optimization and development for parallel computing. (same as above)




1. 2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目 负责人;

2. 2014-2016 国家自然科学基金青年项目 负责人;



1.  2021年,江苏省首批省级本科课程思政示范课程(4/8);

2.  2018.1-2019.12,太阳集团欢迎您校级教改项目(2/5);








在读硕士2人,每年有招收 3-4 名硕士研究生的名额。(别问指标不少为什么学生这么少,因为招不到,为什么招不到,我也不知道。所以同学,如果你看到这里了,说明我们是有缘人,千万别划走。)







[1] Y. L. Lin and T. Yan and L. Liu*, “Shell-model-like approach based on cranking covariant density functional theory to 𝜈1h11/2 band in 100Pd”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 31, 2250035 (2022).

[2] L. Liu*, “Cranking Covariant Density Functional Theory with a Shell-Model-Like Approach for the Superdeformed Band of 42Ca”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 30, 2150055 (2021).

[3] T. Yan, Y. L. Lin, and L. Liu*, “Thermodynamics of Pairing Transition for Odd-A Nuclei”, Phys. Rev. C 104, 024303 (2021).

[4] L. Liu*, “Shell-Model-Like Approach Based on Cranking Covariant Density Functional Theory to the Antimagnetic Rotation Band in 101Pd”, Phys. Rev. C 99, 024317 (2019).

[5] L. Liu and Z. H. Zhang and P. W. Zhao*. “Thermodynamics of pairing transition in hot nuclei”, Physical Review C 92: 044304 (2015).

[6] L. Liu*. “Ab initio Monte Carlo shell model calculations for 7Li and 9Li low-lying spectra”, Chinese Physics C 39(6): 064101 (2015).

[7] L. Liu*. “No-core Monte Carlo shell model calculations with unitary correlation operator method and similarity renormalization group”, Chinese Physics C 39(5): 054103 (2015).

[8] M. J. Cheng and L. Liu* and Y. X. Zhang. “Particle-number fluctuation of pairing correlations for Dy isotopes”, Chinese Physics C 39(10): 104102 (2015).

[9] L. Liu and P. W. Zhao*. “Exact treatment of pairing correlations in Yb isotopes with covariant density functional theory”, Chinese Physics C 38(7): 074103 (2014).

[10] L. Liu*. and J. Li. “Nuclear Magnetic Moments for Jπ = 2+1 state of 10Be with ab initio Monte Carlo shell model calculation”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 57(2): 239--243 (2014).

[11] L. Liu*. “Ab Initio MCSM Calculation for Reduced Matrix Elements of E2 Operator for A = 10 Nuclei”, Chinese Physical Letters 31(8): 082102 (2014).

[12] L. Liu*, T. Otsuka, N. Shimizu, Y. Utsuno, and R. Roth. “No-core Monte Carlo shell-model calculation for 10Be and 12Be low-lying spectra”. Physical Review C 86, 014302 (2012).

[13] L. Liu and P. W. Zhao*. “Nuclear currents and antimagnetic rotation”. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 55(12): 2420--2424 (2012).

[14] L. Liu and P.W. Zhao*. “α-cluster structure of 12C and 16O in covariant density functional theory with shell-model-like approach”. Chinese Phys. C, 36 (9): 818--822 (2012).

