




职称、职务: 副教授、无

电话(手机): 18915321903

E-mail zhangxy@jiangnan.edu.cn



2010/012012/06 美国南加州大学,Keck医学院Zikha Neurogenetic研究所,博士后。







1.Xiangyang Zhang, Hao F. Zhang, and Shuliang Jiao “Optical coherence photoacoustic microscopy: accomplishing optical coherence tomography and photoacoustic microscopy with a single light source”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(3), 030502-1-3(2012).

2.Xiangyang Zhang, Hao F. Zhang, Carmen A. Puliafito,and Shuliang Jiao “Simultaneous in vivo imaging of melanin and lipofuscin in the retina with photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and autofluorescence imaging”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(8) 080504-1-3 (2011).

3.Xiangyang Zhang, Jianming Hu, Robert W. Knighton, Xiang-Run Huang, Carmen A. Puliafito, and Shuliang Jiao, “Dual-band spectral-domain optical coherence tomography for in vivo imaging the spectral contrasts of the retinal nerve fiber layer”, Opt. Express 19(20), 19653–19659 (2011).

4.Xiangyang Zhang, Minshan Jiang, Amani A. Fawzi, Xiang Li, K. Kirk Shung, Carmen A. Puliafito, Hao F. Zhang and Shuliang Jiao, “Simultaneous dual molecular contrasts provided by the absorbed photons in photoacoustic microscopy”, Opt. Lett., 35(23), 4018-4020 (2010).

5.Xiangyang Zhang, and Lianzhen Liu, “Nonlinear gain and dispersion in the four-level Λ-type system”, Optik, 122(2), 177-181 (2011).

6.Minshan Jiang, Xiangyang Zhang, Carmen A. Puliafito, Hao F. Zhang, and Shuliang Jiao, “Adaptive optics photoacoustic microscopy”, Opt. Express, 18(21), 21770-21776 (2010).

8.Fan Zheng, Xiangyang Zhang, Chi Tat Chiu,Bill Lixiang Zhou, K. Kirk Shung, Hao F. Zhang,and Shuliang Jiao, "Laser-scanning photoacoustic microscopy with ultrasonic phased array transducer", Biomedical Optics Express 3(11), 2694-2698(2012).

9.Minshan Jiang, Pei-Chang Wu, M. Elizabeth Fini, Chia-Ling Tsai, Tatsuo Itakura, Xiangyang Zhang, Shuliang Jiao, “Single-Shot Dimension Measurements of the Mouse Eye Using Spectral-Domain OCT”, Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging, 43(3) 252-256(2012).

10.Teng Ma, Xiangyang Zhang, Chi Tat Chiu, Ruimin Chen, K. Kirk Shung, Qifa Zhou, Shuliang Jiao, "Systematic Study of High-frequency Ultrasonic Transducers Design for Laser-scanning Photoacoustic Ophthalmoscopy", Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(1), 016015 (2014).

11.Xuan Hua, Lianzhen Liu, Xiangyang Zhang, “Dispersion and absorption properties of the Y-type-four-level system with electromagnetically induced transparency”, Optik, 126(2), 172-175(2015).

12.Hang Zhang, Zhongliang Li, Xiangzhao Wang, Xiangyang Zhang, “Speckle reduction in optical coherence tomography by two-step image registration”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(3), 036013(2015).

13.Pan, Liuhua, Wang, Xiangzhao, Li, Zhongliang, Zhang, Xiangyang, et. Al., “Depth-dependent dispersion compensation for full-depth OCT image”, Optics Express 25(9) 10345-10354(2017).

14.Yimin Wang, Xiangyang Zhang, Xiaobing Chen, Zhong Chen, “Optimization of the Source Power Usage in Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”IEEE Photonics Journal Vol. 9, No. 5, 3700210(2017).

15.Qiankun Zhang, Xiangyang Zhang, and Lianzhen Liu, “Transfer and preservation of entanglement in a hybrid optomechanical system”, Phy. Rev. A 96, 042320 (2017).

16.张蕾 戈燕 张向阳,基于量子相干控制吸收的准Λ型四能级原子局域化研究, 物理学报, Vol. 64(13), 134204(2015).

17.戈燕,花轩,张蕾,刘练珍,张向阳,倒Y型四能级原子系统中电磁诱导透明的相干控制,光子学报,Vol. 44(6), 067004(2015).

18. 张向阳, 基于布居数探测的准Λ型四能级原子高精度局域化研究, 激光与光电子学进展, Vol. 52(11), 112702(2015).

19.王琦,戈燕,刘练珍,张向阳,混合原子光机械系统中的量子相干控制,光学学报 Vol. 36(11), 1102001 (2016)


  1. 太阳集团欢迎您自主科研项目:多模式光声功能成像技术研究(2012.01-2014-12),主持人。

  2. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金,主持人。

  3. 主持横向项目1项。

  4. 作为第一参与者参加国家自然科学基金面上项目两项,横向项目两项。


  1. 太阳集团欢迎您2006-2007年优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师

  2. 江苏省高校第十三届大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛优秀指导教师奖。


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硕士 6
